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T. S. Morrell

Wilder Mar 2021 - Peru

I hope this email finds you well, as I am doing quite well here in Arequipa, Peru. I have almost been in language school for two months and definitely know more now then when I arrived. It’s great to be able to speak conversational Spanish and understand most of what’s going on. I am in the stage now where I am lacking a lot of vocabulary, but am learning how to conjugate all the verbs correctly. If you don’t know anything about Spanish well let's just say there’s like a million ways to conjugate one verb haha. I am also trying to work on my pronunciation and not let the redneck accent come out. If I have learned anything then its just being patient and take it day by day.

I am glad that they have lifted the quarantine and now its no where near as strict. Our curfew is at 9 now and we are able to legally be back in church. The church that I am apart of here has not stopped having services and God is still doing a work in the lives of the people. Please pray for the ministry here and that all the churches here would be able to have services again and continue to spread the Gospel.

My roommate Chase had a good idea to go to a park behind our apartment and meet a bunch of guys that were playing soccer. They play almost everyday, so I went with him the other day and had the opportunity to meet the guys. Well my roommate had the idea to invite them over for dinner one night, so after dinner our friend Justin did a great job explaining the Gospel to them. Pray that God would work in their lives and that they would accept Christ as their Savior.

Thank you all so much for what you do and until next time…

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