Dearest Friends, Thursday afternoon I completed a three-week module on Life of Christ II at Baptist Bible College of the Caribbean. As always it was a wonderful experience, but the interesting thing is the most important moment for me didn't come during class.
Last Tuesday night we were sitting around and talking when one of them brought up how much money he owed on his school bill. Thankfully the college takes a large amount of tuition off since the students work on campus. Usually the rest can easily be made up through gifts, and working over Christmas or summer holidays.
Unfortunately, because of Covid, there is a lack of work opportunities in the area. Also, one of the students had serious stomach issues over Christmas break which kept him from being able to work.
This leaves all of the students with a large amount owing on their school bill.During Tuesdays conversation it became apparent that the outstanding debt was a heavy burden on their hearts. Not because the college wouldn't allow them to continue taking classes, but because by principle they wanted to be up to date on their school bill.
I came home with my own burden to directly help these young men. I already give financially towards their needs, but now understand the call for a consistent monthly by month support they can rely on. Sadly I cannot pay off all of their bill, but can give help in a simple way.
if you would like to give a gift of any size that can help with this, please send it directly to Baptist Mid Missions using the information found here. Giving in this way ensures that the gift is processed properly, and you will receive a tax-deductible receipt.
Please pray that the Lord would lay a burden for these young men on Vincentian Believers who can then begin supporting these young men financially.
As the month of February comes to a close, I would like to share with you some specific prayer requests. Thanks so much for continuing to remember me in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
College Requests:
Pray as classes continue at Baptist Bible College of the Caribbean. Next week I finish teaching a Theology class there. Specifically pray that God would continue to guide, and protect students
Pray for a Bible College who cannot return from Grenada at this time because of the COVID protocol, and financial challenges of quarantine. He is hoping to return next semester.
Pray as the College begins holding online classes so that professors overseas can teach classes.
Pray for the financial needs of students at the College
Church Requests:
Pray that we can continue holding services at Tabernacle Baptist Church on Sunday mornings while keeping protocol
Pray for the Zoom services that we are holding on Sunday night, may we learn how to use the technology in the best way possible, and be an encouragement to one another
Pray for a family who had COVID, and have recovered, but are awaiting official clearance from the health department before they can leave home
Pray as I continue doing outreach and evangelism work in the community, whille taking precautions to keep myself safe.
Community Requests:
pray for the children as they will take online classes for the rest of the school year, some of them don't have a proper internet connection.
Pray as I begin meeting with some children once a week for homework help, or personal reading and math tutoring.
Pray that individuals would continue to follow the mask and sanitizing protocols carefully.
And pray for the older individuals who are confined at home, and at a greater risk for contracting COVID
Thanks again for praying with me. I will send an update next Saturday with February praises.
In Christ,
John Wilburn