Second Mile Baptist Sees Young Man Make Profession of Faith
Ben is a 14 year old young man that has been visiting Second Mile. This month he made a profession of faith! Praise the Lord, He is blessing the new work. It is a great encouragement for Sam Huang, our man in the ministry, to see fruit for his labor so quickly after starting a church! Pray for Sam as he and his family continue with the trials ahead of full-time ministry and church planting. May the Lord continue to increase the fruit at Second Mile and bless Sam with many disciples to train!
Many New Guests Visit This Month
Both churches received guests this month. Our New Years banquet brought in several first time visitors as well as some return guests. I was happy to notice as we were out handing out flyers that many people in the community recognized our church name and logo. Lord willing, it will become increasingly easier to have conversation with people who need the Lord!
Update on Compass Property Purchase
Last month at this time we had nearly $90,000 left to raise to complete the purchase. Now we only have $42,000 left to finalize the purchase and begin renovations! God is good and quickly take care of this need!
What lies ahead for Compass Church property are renovations that need to be done to make the property usable and safe. It is an older building we purchased at a cheap price, so we’ll need to use a lot of sweat to get it up and running. Once the purchase is complete we will immediately begin praying for a church property for Second Mile Baptist Church. Each church plant we begin, we’ll look to find them a property before we completely turn over a work.
If you would like to help us finish this financial need, please communicate with us via email about it! Thank you!
Nanzhi Compas Baptist Church and Second Birth Baptist Church set to begin shortly!
Originally our plans had been to start our third and fourth church plant a little more spread out, however we’re starting them ASAP. We have young men available that can help me do the work. We can always pace ourselves as we go along. Please pray with me regarding these two new church plants and the young men that will be leading them! More update to follow!
