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  • T. S. Morrell

Stamm July 2021- Ministry Minute

Sowing, Watering and God

While writing at a local establishment last week, I serendipitously stumbled on an old tennis buddy. We said our hellos and I brought my lunch and sat with him to share a meal and a chat.

Though the many years we've known each other, we’ve had a few spiritual conversations. The challenge is that he is a hard-core atheist and deeply committed to his worldview.

After catching up and enjoying some small-talk, our conversation turned toward origins of the universe. On a personal level, having penned a number of blogs on ministering to the atheist, I understand basic arguments and talking points on both sides of the discussion. In short, I’m ready with a quip, a zinger, or an answer in order to get the “upper hand.”

For example, in our time together I asked him, “Why do you think there is something rather than nothing?” and “Do you actually believe that time plus chance plus nothing equals everything?”

He, being an intellectual, parried my arguments and deftly countered with the atheist argument that a loving, all powerful God would never allow the suffering that exists on planet earth.

Since our friendship is bigger than the argument, we finished our lunch, said our pleasantries, and looked forward to getting together in the future to “chat” some more on the topic. He returned to work, while I remained at the establishment, resuming my writing endeavor.

Upon reflecting on that discussion, I once again became acutely aware that evangelism is not about getting conversational “shots” in or scoring “points,” in order to get the upper hand and win the day.

Rather, it’s about being a faithful, loving, and prayerful witness that seeks to do my part, while understanding and trusting the Lord to do His part!

In Jesus’ parable of the soils (Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23), the Lord talks about the sower, the seed and the soil. In the parable, the sower is anyone who sows gospel seed, which is the Word of God. The soil is the condition of the human heart, and is where the seed lands. While we may perceive the heart to be soft or hard towards the gospel—good or bad soil—only the Lord knows the true condition of the heart (1 Samuel 16:7, John 2:24-25).

In a broader evangelistic sense, while we sow gospel seed through verbally sharing the truth in love, we can also sow and water through intercessory prayer and through sharing God’s love through good works.

The Apostle Paul notes that God is the change-agent of the human heart, when he wrote in 1 Corinthians 3:6-7,

“I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the increase. So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase.”

When there is a change in the human heart—the increase—God is the mover and shaker. Be encouraged, understanding that the heart that appears hard toward the gospel today may some soon tomorrow, through God’s grace, become soft, even to the point of surrendering in faith to Jesus Christ. Look no further than the Apostle Paul himself as a striking illustration of this wonderful reality.

As a postscript to my conversation, I’m convicted to continue praying for the salvation of my atheist friend, that the Lord would do what only He can—change the heart that rejects Jesus and the gospel.

May we all, by God’s grace and the power of the Holy Spirit, take the initiative to sow and water evangelistically, while imploring the Lord to give the increase—that He would be glorified and many would be saved. Amen.

Oklahoma City Ministry Trip July 19-23

Earlier this year, I was in Oklahoma City (OKC) recording radio content with Southwest Radio Ministries (SWR). I shared my testimony and about the work of Larry Stamm Ministries. The majority of time was spent recording 13 sessions (all between 19-20 minutes), teaching material from our Jewish Roots of Christianity seminar. While the introductory program on Jewish Roots was aired this spring on their nationally-syndicated 30-minute daily radio program (250+ stations), the remaining programs will air later this year, in conjunction with my presentation on the Jewish Roots of Christianity at their “Is it too late?” Conference in Columbus, OH, October 28-30.

I’ve been invited to go back to OKC later this month to record twelve 26-minute video teachings on the same Jewish Roots instruction. I’ll also record evangelism equipping content for the radio program, teaching material from “Serving In His Court: Biblical Principles For Personal Evangelism From The Heart Of A Coach.”

Please pray the Lord will bless my prep time for those teaching sessions, helping me to appropriately organize and teach the material in a way that best glorifies Him and edifies His people. Please also pray for safe travel. Thanks!

July 5-8 Writing Retreat—Jewish Roots of Christianity Book

Speaking of Jewish Roots, I’m currently penning a basic primer on the Jewish Roots of Christianity. This summer I’ve penned the initial manuscript of the first 7 of 12 total chapters of the book. Please pray that the Lord would pour out abundant blessing upon my upcoming writing retreat in Townsend, TN next week. I plan to complete the initial manuscript and begin working on the study guide portions of each chapter.

Into The Gale Discussion @ Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church: July 11

Last spring, a Sunday school group from Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church in Johnson City purchased 24 copies of Into The Gale: 12 Evangelistic Lessons From The Book Of Acts.

Over the past year they’ve been reading and discussing the book. As they conclude their study, they’ve asked me to come and do a question and answer session on Sunday morning, July 11th. Please pray that the Lord would be glorified and His people edified as we discuss being salt and light amidst a culture increasing hostile to the Christian and Christian faith.

Monthly Bible Study: Speak Life

Words are powerful. How much so? Well, God spoke creation into existence—He said and it was! The power of words in our witness can’t be overstated, for as James tells us, we need to tame the tongue (James 3:12). But not only do we need to tame the tongue, we need our words to be seasoned with grace, truth, and love.

In short, we need to speak life to others. In our witness, words are powerful, for they can enhance or hinder our testimony. And I don’t know about you, but in my life, when I think I’ve tamed the tongue, I have to bite my lip. For I’m reminded that the issue of my speech is one of those issues in the Christian life that is a perpetual—it doesn’t go away. We achieve victory and may grow in this area, yet none of us ever arrives. This bible study briefly explores the power of the tongue in our witness to others. Click here to download.

July Facebook Video Teachings

This month we continue our series of short teachings studying the Gospel in the Old Testament at our Facebook page. What’s the connection between Jesus, a snake on a pole and salvation? According to the Lord Himself in John 3:14-15, much! In sharing the gospel with Nicodemus in John 3, Jesus makes reference to Numbers 21:4-9 in communicating a powerful picture of saving faith. We’ll unpack those connections and more in this teaching, which we’ll post Thursday, July 15th @ 7pm.

In our second video teaching, posting at our Facebook page on Thursday, July 29th @ 7pm, we’ll explore Isaiah 53, one of the most powerful messianic prophecies in the Old Testament. Isaiah 53 has been coined by some bible scholars as “The First Gospel”-as it reveals the substitutionary death and resurrection of the “Suffering Servant”—Messiah. LIKE OUR FACEBOOK PAGE HERE!

Praises & Prayer Requests

  • Please pray the the Lord, through our facebook teachings, would accomplish above all we could hope or imagine, that the name of Jesus be exalted, that the gospel would be amplified and people blessed. During the pandemic we've become more active posting video teaching on our LSM facebook page. If you’ve been encouraged and edified by the video teaching, and are active on facebook, we encourage you, if you’ve not done so, to like our LSM facebook page and share videos with others—for Jesus’ glory.

  • Please pray God would bless the upcoming July 19-23 ministry trip to OKC, that I would have safe travel and a fruitful time of recording Jewish Roots teaching and evangelism equipping material.

  • Also pray for a productive time of writing in Townsend, TN, July 5-8. During this time I plan to complete the initial draft of my upcoming book, “The Jewish Roots of Christianity.”

  • One of my favorite labors for Jesus are small group discussions. I thoroughly enjoy Q & A times with God’s people. Please pray the Lord would accomplish His plans and purposes as I interact with God’s people regarding “Into The Gale” at Wesley Memorial UMC on July 11th.

Thanks for praying for us and with us! And thanks for standing with us in ministry. You are a blessing to us!

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