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T. S. Morrell

Price November 2020 - Bolivia

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We hope the Lord is blessing you and yours as we enter into what is sure to be a tumultuous November in the United States. Regardless of what happens in the coming days, we know that God is still on the throne and will still be in control of this world regardless of what happens in the US Presidential elections on Tuesday.

We’ve had to remind ourselves of this truth in Bolivia as well. In fact, this could be a theme for the last year because of the politically confusing events that have transpired since the revolution in 2019. Without rehashing the details of all of the maneuverings that have taken place since the people of Bolivia tried to take their country back from the maws of Socialism; let us just say, we are right back where we left off in October of 2019. Why?

On October 18th of this year, Bolivia held what was supposed to be a very close presidential election. The question was would Bolivia return to Socialism or move forward with their Democracy? Many predicted there would be a runoff between the two candidates that garnered the most votes because nobody was expected to have the 10% advantage required by Bolivian law to win an election if the results saw no candidate emerge with over 50% of the popular vote. It seemed to be inevitable. However, when the votes were counted, the candidate for the party entitled Movement to Socialism won with a clear majority returning the Bolivian government to the control of the previous regime. In the aftermath, there are a lot of questions, and many people are wondering if there was once again fraud in the process of the election. Many Bolivian people have questions and concerns about their future. We too are concerned about the future for the Bolivian people and the Nation as a whole. We are expecting a time of possible civil unrest in the coming days.

That said, we are pleased to report that October saw some lessening of the COVID related restrictions. Recently a Pastor friend of ours' told us that his congregation will begin onsite meetings in December. Other churches are planning their meetings as they can within the restrictions of their own communities. As you might imagine, the 2 new works we have been involved with have struggled because of the 7 months of severe quarantine measures. During this time, no in-person gatherings were permitted, so outreach has been through Facebook, Zoom meetings, text, email, and phone calls. There is a lot of work that needs to be done in these areas as the quarantine eases up. Please continue praying for the folks in these works as well as the churches in general across Bolivia.

A Good Work

As COVID ravaged the country, our people became aware of children who were orphaned when their parents were killed by COVID. There were people who couldn’t get their medication or visit a doctor. Also, people continue to go hungry because they haven’t been able to work. As much as possible, we’ve tried to help out where we could with food, clothing, medicine, or helping someone get medical care. As people were helped with these basic yet important needs; they have also heard the Gospel with many making a profession of faith in Christ.

The needs are staggering, and there is a tremendous opportunity to help people with both material and spiritual needs. If you’d like to help with reaching out to people in these communities, please call 865-238-5040 or email to let us know.

Prayer Requests

1. Please pray for peace in Bolivia in a time that could be fraught with civil unrest.

2. Please pray for our churches and the country at large as they deal with COVID.

3. Please pray for wisdom as we plan our return to the field.

Until next time...

We want to say thank-you for your concern, compassion, and care for us as part of your Missionary family. We love you and hope for God’s very best for each one of you.

Jeff & Sandra Price Missionaries in Bolivia & Latin America Baptist International Outreach 865-238-5040 (This will reach us Domestically or Internationally)

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