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T. S. Morrell

Price Feb 2021 (Part 2)- Bolivia


We wanted to send a second letter out this month to give you a few items to pray about. Things are going well and God continues to work in Bolivia. However, in the scope of a normal letter, specific areas of prayer can get lost in the news of the work. So, with that in mind; please join with us in prayer about the matters presented below.

1. Our main work in Luis De Fuentes which is a community within the city of Tarija is doing well. It seems the COVID crisis which wreaked havoc in many areas of Bolivia brought an awareness of spiritual needs. Therefore, the church was having an influx of visitors before the most recent restrictions began. So, please pray that the momentum the church realized in the last few months continues.

2. This church also needs to build 3 classrooms in order to be able to separate the children into smaller groups to comply with COVID guidelines in Tarija. Currently, they meet as a group in one room. Please pray that the Lord will provide funding (about $5,000) to build these classrooms.

3. A year ago, we helped launch a new Church in downtown Tarija. After the COVID restrictions relaxed last Fall, the church was running about 150 in attendance. Please pray the momentum continues in this work as well. Currently, they are doing 11 weekly Zoom meetings.

4. In one of those Zoom meetings; there are people from New Mexico and California participating. We are trying to connect with these groups and plan to make an in person visit with them in a couple of months. Our goal is to encourage them and help them find a local Church. Please pray for this endeavor.

5. We also need to equip this church with chairs, Bibles, and sound equipment. Please pray that the Lord will provide resources for this project.

6. The new work we started in September of 2019 in a community called Trigal has struggled. The community was hit hard by COVID and when meetings began again, it was evident that some ground needed to be recovered in this area. Please pray for the folk we work with and that the Lord will provide additional workers to help reach the people in this part of Tarija.

7. As you can gather, another wave of COVID has hit and restrictions have once again been put in place. They are expecting a 3rd wave to hit in May as well. So, please pray for the folks in Bolivia. Particularly our brothers and sisters in Christ.

May the Lord bless you as you serve Him! Thanks for all you do for us and for praying for the work!

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