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T. S. Morrell

Mclaughlin June 2021 - Ivory Coast

Dear Friends,

These are exciting days on the field, and we praise the Lord for His goodness to us. In Man, a small church building has been completed. The first church service took place on May 30th. Pacôme, the contractor, was saved through the project, and he continues to attend church faithfully. Pastor Goué recently wrote, "We feel that the population here has a real thirst for the gospel. Tonight, I won another family to Christ."

Located in the northwestern region, Man is the fourth largest city in Ivory Coast. Largely unreached, the area is steeped in mysticism, more so than in other areas of the country. However, our experience has been that the people of Man are open to the gospel.


PRAYER FOCUS - medical team 7/26 - 8/9 • Smooth arrival and departure • Health and stamina • Travel safety in Ivory Coast • Patients’ salvation – for the Lord to prepare hearts • Growth of Man church


Our first ACCESS trip to Man was in 2018. There were several neat stories that came out of that trip. We met a lady named Florence who had a history of seizures. Florence was one of the first members of the Man church.

Florence was known to have seizures during church services. One day, she was in a taxi when she had a seizure. Her money and her cell phone were stolen, and Florence was dropped off in the dirt. My heart went out to her. We would be glad to see her, but what could we possibly do to help a lady with seizures during a short trip? Florence was a lovely lady, I guessed to be in her mid-40s. I began with a medical history and exam. Nothing significant. No injury or chronic diseases. We ordered lab work. The next day, we left for the 9-hour trip back to Abidjan. What would I do when I received the lab results? Do I treat this myself? I'd never independently managed seizures. (Seizure management often requires 2-3 medications, increasing and decreasing dosages over time for an improvement.) The Lord spoke to my heart, Go with your training. I am the Great Physician. I’ve always been with you here, and I will help you with this case. Peace flooded my heart.

Within one week, I received Florence's test results. All negative. I started her on a first-line seizure medication. There may be no improvement at all. Absolute best-case scenario, maybe she'll have seizures less frequently. A few weeks later, it was a Sunday afternoon, and I was in one of our villages with a Bible club. Someone else was teaching, and I thought about Florence. I decided to call her. Her words bore into my heart, "Since I started that medication, I haven't had a seizure." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Medically, the chances were so low for her to have had such a great result. I was moved. God wanted to bless this dear lady who was faithful despite having seizures. He must have also wanted to teach a missionary something about faith, trust, and believing God for the impossible.

From July 26 to August 8, we will bring a second ACCESS team to Man. During this trip, we are also targeting a new village in the Bingerville area known as Koffi-kro. We covet your prayers especially during the trip that the Lord would help us as we share Him here. May Christ’s name be glorified in a people who have waited so long to hear about Him.

For the joy of serving Him,


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