Dear Fellow Laborers,
We just finished up the Our Generation Summit and are looking to the new year excited to book many new meetings before we buy our tickets to head back to South Africa!
Our Travels
We had several good meetings toward the beginning of December in Florida and South Carolina. Faith Bible Baptist Church in Century, Florida invited us to be with them on the 6th. They showed us great hospitality and interest in partnering with us. Pastor Robert Barrow has been through great trials but continues to faithfully serve the Lord. Faith is a sweet and responsive church that we look forward to having long a relationship with.
We went on to Concord BaptIst Church in Sumter, SC. Pastor Clark is leading this church in getting started in supporting missionaries. He sees the need and Biblical responsibility. We thank the Lord for a strong possibility of monthly support. During our stay in Sumter we

were hosted by Pastor Magaw and the Temple Baptist Church. I preached their Christmas banquet. They bought presents for the kids, and took great care of us. I preached their Sunday evening service as well. Pastor Magaw is a hardworking and super kind pastor. They are also looking at the possibility of supporting our church planting efforts in South Africa
We are so thankful for all the potential supporters God has allowed us to visit on our furlough so far. Would you please pray with us that God would lead the ones that should to commit to partnering with us? This is one of our greatest needs before we head back to South Africa.
Young People Surrendering Their Lives!
Just this past week we participated in the Our Generation Summit at Vision Baptist Church in Alpharetta, GA. Two young men from our sending church attended along with our oldest son Clark. They all had a blast from being around other likeminded young people to the hours of teaching and preaching on World Evangelism. It was a life changing event for many of the people who attended. 52 young people signed a pledge that unless God stops them they will head toward the mission field, including Clark!!! Corli and I both taught breakout sessions and I also preached in one of the services. Pray that God would continue to bring forth laborers for the harvest from this event. Plan to attend next year!
52 young people signed a pledge that unless God stops them they are headed to the mission field!

4 Big Prayer Notices
We urgently need more churches to partner with us before we head back to South Africa. We have lost some support between transition and over time.
Grace Baptist Church is looking for permanent meeting place. The church is doing well seeing people saved, preachers growing in the Lord but a permanent place to meet is a need!
Pray for Wesley Lance, a young preacher that is praying about where to get his training for ministry. This is a sharp young man in my home church. He has a ton of potential. Pray God would help him to step out in faith!
We still have a few churches that need to start sending our support to our new address:
Vision Baptist Missions
ATTN: Kevin Hall
PO BOX 442
Alpharetta, GA 30009
Doing Our Reasonable Service,
Kevin, Corli, Clark, Hudson and Lana Hall