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T. S. Morrell

Hall Aug 2021 - South Africa

Travels: I am writing this from Prescott, AZ. By the time this gets to you, we will have driven over 8,000 miles this month, been to churches in NC, VA, GA, TN, and AZ. So far, we have been able to present the ministry to three new churches, two of which already voted to partner with our work. Our kids have been getting completely spoiled on this furlough. They have gotten to experience more than most people will in a lifetime in just a few short months. We are blessed to get to do what we do. We still have two more months of traveling before our return. Please continue to pray for safety and that we would be used to encourage, exhort, and edify the churches we get to visit.

Return to South Africa: Our tickets were originally purchased for November 1st. The airlines recently cancelled our flights and rebooked us for Wednesday, November 3rd. Several have asked how they can help with our transition back to the field. Well, the biggest need is prayer; pray the airlines do not make any more changes, pray for no complications with the Covid restrictions and tests, and pray for wisdom as we make decisions concerning the location and timing for the next new church plant upon our return.

Update on BBA Property: Unfortunately, I have some bad news concerning the property I sent out last month. After much struggle in prayer, and more investigation, I decided to retract our offer to purchase. The building in Sanctor, though seemingly ideal and perfect for our needs, is not currently in terrible area, but the projections are not promising. The map below gives a visual aid for the concerns of my faculty. It lies directly between two of the most dangerous gang areas in the city, and as a result I did not have complete peace with proceeding to purchase the property.

Here is another property we are seriously considering. This is in an ideal location and would suit all of our needs, without having to have any immediate modifications. The only issue is the asking price, $373,000+/-. If all goes well, we should have around $294,000+/- by the end of September, leaving us with a deficits of $79,000. Please pray that God would supply what we need to do the work and train children in the way they should go.

Bay Baptist College: The idea behind our christian school is to have it feed our Bible College with young men and women who will continue on with their studies and become church planters, pastors, deacons, and productive members of their local churches. Of course, this is a long term goal. However, the new semester for our current students will start Tuesday, August 31st. There are currently five young men enrolled, who desire to work in the ministry full time.

We appreciate all that you do for us and the ministry God has called us to do.

Thank you, "And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment. That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ; Being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God (Phil 1:9-11)."


Jeremy and Rebekah Hall

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