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T. S. Morrell

Grant Mar 2021 - Peru

I have completed one full month of language school, and the Lord is blessing my time of study. Both in and out of the classroom, I am learning a great deal of Spanish. I have had the opportunity to spend countless hours in classes, church services, and meetings all in Spanish where I am able to be completely immersed in the language. Moreover, I am thankful for the friends and teachers here who help correct my Spanish because they want me to learn the language well! Please continue to pray that the Lord would help me learn Spanish fluently and quickly.

As my biggest priority right now is to learn the language well, I try to spend plenty of time listening to and talking with Peruvians. Therefore, this month I have been able to attend different events such as youth events, ladies’ meetings, Bible studies, and church services where I can listen to Bible preaching and teaching in Spanish. I have also had the opportunity to visit once more with Love Baptist Church, a new church plant here in Arequipa. As government restrictions are lifting, please pray that we would see more visitors come to church and hear the Gospel.

Despite my limited language ability, I have also had a few opportunities to serve in the ministry here, i.e. working in nursery and inviting others to church. This month, I will also have the opportunity to give a short devotional to the teachers and other students during language school. Please pray with me that I could do well in this time of giving my testimony in Spanish. Thank you for your continued prayers!

God bless, Lauren Grant Missionary in Peru Vision Baptist Missions

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