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T. S. Morrell

Gardner Dec 2020 - Peru

Dear Pastors and praying friends,

Lord willing, this will be the last prayer letter you receive from us while we are still in the United States. We have purchased tickets to leave for the field on December 31st, and we are so excited about returning to the ministry in Peru. Bible College Update: We have just finished this semester of Bible college, which ran from August to December. We are thankful that we have been able to continue teaching throughout the year over zoom classes. Through the Bible college, God has used us to help other ministries around Latin America, including countries such as Colombia, Bolivia, Chile, and Brazil. Please pray that God will allow us to meet in person when the new semester begins the second week of March. Omega Baptist Church Update: God has blessed us with up to $17,000 in funds that have been given for our church property. Omega Baptist Church has also saved an additional $4,000, which puts us at a little over 10% of the needed funds in order for us to purchase property. Because of the pandemic we have not met since March 15th. However, starting January 1st, we will be in a new location! God has opened the door for us to rent a church building from another denomination, which will cost about half of what we were paying at our former location. We are looking forward to seeing the Lord build His church again, and to see people come back to be part of Omega. Love Baptist Church: Bro. Paul Cruz is doing a great job in the new church plant at Love Baptist Church. He is currently meeting with people in their own homes, leading Bible studies, and sharing the Gospel. They have seen people saved, and a couple of weeks ago, he was able to baptize a man! In the next few weeks, we will be looking for a building to rent with them. Please continue to pray for this new church plant. Upcoming Trip: Also, pray for us as we head back to Peru on December 31st! We will be on the same flight as Lauren Grant, Mitch and Jackie McCormack, as well as Andrew Wilder. Please be in prayer for us as we are preparing to move back, and to continue serving in Peru. Thank you so much for praying for us and being part of our ministry. David and Katie Gardner Missionaries in Peru Vision Baptist Missions

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