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T. S. Morrell

Cullers Oct. 2020 Prayer Letter

Dear Friends,

     The past four months have been a whirlwind. So much has happened, so many changes, and we missed a prayer letter to you. Hopefully this letter can get you up to date on our ministry.

     In July, even with the virus around the world, in Taiwan we have pretty much continued on a regular schedule. Our church was in charge of youth camp. There were many decisions from the young people to be more faithful to the Lord. Our son, Neil, was one of the main speakers and he did a great job warning us about the traps the devil lays for each of us and how we can get the victory. Our 5 day, all-day VBS was also great. We had about 80 in attendance with 12 professions of faith from the children and one teenager.

In August we had two other special summer meetings in another church and in an elementary school. There were 7 professions of faith from those meetings. Taiwan stopped extending visitor visas in August, so Neil and Kelsie had to return to the States to apply for their permanent resident visa since they could not apply for it in Taiwan. Please pray they can get their visa and return soon.

      In September we moved into Neil’s house which was a big move since it is in a totally new county from where we have lived the past 33 years! Our former home is being sold, so we had to move. It is our prayer to begin a new work in this new city, Neipu, in Pingtung county. Today Jeanette had a Christian Character class in a local school and we made some contacts there.

     In November we will have our annual missions month at our church. Please pray the church can increase our mission giving. We now support 12 missionaries.

     In December we will be going into the schools and organizations with the Christmas program. As we make contacts with the schools now, we are finding it is getting harder to get permission to have these meetings. Please pray that more schools will open their doors for this presentation.

      Thank you for your faithfulness in prayer and support, even with the difficulties you are experiencing through this pandemic. It is truly a labor of love. May the Lord add His blessings to you and your ministries. Thank you for your prayers!

God bless you,       

Keith and Jeanette Cullers, Taiwan

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