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T. S. Morrell

Cullers May 2021 - Taiwan

Dear Pastor and Praying Friends,

So much has happened in Taiwan since our last prayer letter. In April we were still allowed to visit schools with the Resurrection Story. Around 1,500 teachers and students heard the gospel. One person in particular touched our hearts. It was a principle of an elementary school. He sat and listened to the entire presentation along with the complete school of 500 children. Afterward he came to me and said, “I have never heard this before.” Please pray for him and the many others who heard of Jesus’ death and resurrection for the first time.

In May we began a new church plant in another county, Pingtung. The Neipu Baptist Church had its first service. We are amazed at how God supplied the needs to set up the church and for those people God put in our paths to help in this church. Some Christians who were from that area were glad to have a gospel preaching church to invite their lost loved ones and friends to. Our son Neil, and wife, Kelsie are also helping with the work. A man he is meeting with every week and his girlfriend came to church for the first time in their lives. In every service we have had lost visitors attend. Please pray for their salvation.

This Mother’s Day we also had 23 Mothers attend the service at the Daliao church. Until recently, Taiwan had not had a serious outbreak of Covid-19. Now, everything has closed down. We can only have a total of 5 people in attendance at church. We are now broadcasting services over the internet for our Daliao church and this new work in Neipu as well. Please pray we can begin to meet again in person soon. Thank you for your part in allowing us to represent Christ in this needy land.

In Christ’s Service,

Keith and Jeanette Cullers

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