Dear Ministry Partners,
Are we ever happy to have good news to share this month! Brother Harmon (Veteran missionary already in Jamaica) informed us this week that Jamaica’s Department of Labor called to inform him that they were recommending us for a three-year work permit and that an official letter to that effect should be ready in about two weeks. That being the case, barring an unexpected reversal, we will be in Jamaica before the end of February. Brother Harmon has worked tirelessly to make this happen and we owe him a profound debt of
gratitude. That said, there are still several things that have to happen for our transition to Jamaica to be realized. After making an appointment at the Jamaican Consulate in Miami, we’ll have to obtain negative covide-19 tests within ten days of our flight and, based on those negative tests, apply for an official travel authorization (Jamaican). Each of those tasks seem small, but the consulate, which is open from just 9:00am-noon Monday-Friday, has, thus far, been unresponsive and getting everything else done within the very small window given (30 days from issuance of the approval letter) depends on our confirmed appointment in that office. Your patience, prayers, and support have been critical to our getting this far, and your continuing faithfulness will be just as important in the days ahead.
Please pray for the following:
1. That all paperwork, medical testing, meetings, and travel will be achieved within the 30 day window.
2. That Tammy and I would be a help and encouragement to missionaries Rex and Jan Harmon.
3. That the Lord will provide housing and initial ministry contacts in the parish where He wishes for us to
begin work.
4. That the Lord would provide our modest financial needs for a vehicle and set-up costs.
5. That the Lord would bless our family, and continue to bless our relationship with them.
Thank you for your commitment to missions even during a period where few of you have been experiencing “The American Dream”. While this extended furlough during an international pandemic has been something other than a vacation, it has permitted us to become acquainted with our grandchildren like we would never have been able to do otherwise as foreign missionaries. As counterintuitive as it may seem, our love for our family is a major motivation for our serving as missionaries. None of us can do the Lord’s work alone. We’re familiar with many missionaries and their support systems and want you to know that we believe no one has better ministry partners than we do. Thank you for sending us...again.
John & Tammy Cooley