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T. S. Morrell

Beachy Update October 2020

“Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart and lean not on your own


We remember when we were back in Bible school how Proverbs 3:5 used to be the

verse that would calm our hearts as we looked to the Lord in regards to our future plans.

Whenever we began to feel overwhelmed with uncertainty we would recite that verse as

it reminded us of how we need to TRUST our heavenly Father to lead us one step at a

time. The same principle has sustained us in our ministry here in Mexico as we adjust to

the “nueva normalidad” (new normal).

For the first 10 weeks of the semester we were allowed by the government to have in-

person classes, as long as we maintained a safe distance throughout the day and wore our face masks whenever we had to move around the school. We were so encouraged to be able to be with the students again, and they mentioned how much more helpful it was to be able to meet together. While the masks have been uncomfortable we were happy to even have the chance to be able to study together.... HOWEVER....

As we are writing this newsletter the state of Chihuahua has been forced to go back into full restriction mode because of the number of positive cases and reported deaths that have skyrocketed in the last 2 weeks.

It was very difficult to have to tell the students we would need to wait at least 2

weeks before we could have classes together in person again, but we reminded ourselves that we have done this before (just last semester) and we could be thankful to the Lord for the technology we have to be able to continue to study His Word in virtual classrooms. Our new favorite saying is “no es lo ideal, pero tampoco imposible”. (It’s not the ideal, but it’s not impossible either.)

We are thankful for God’s protection and the peace He has given us as we push

through this challenging time. Our prayer request would be that we would be allowed

to come back together to both study God’s Word, and worship with our fellow

believers. (Be praying for the local churches who have been forced to shut their doors

once again.) Thank you for your involvement in this ministry, we are especially

appreciative of those who diligently lift us up to our heavenly Father. Be encouraged

as you continue to walk with Him in your daily lives.


Ryan, Rebecca, Caleb, Naomi, Judah and Elijah

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