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T. S. Morrell

Bassham Feb 2021 - Thailand

Checklist for Returning to Thailand

There is finally good news to share about getting back to Thailand! As you know, Thailand locked down pretty tight in the beginning of the Covid crisis, which has prevented us from being able to enter the country, even until now. But a few weeks ago, in their process of slowly opening up to different visitor types, our visa category was finally included in the type of visitors that Thailand is allowing in.

We have now started the process of getting our visa back! Though our visa category is being allowed in, our visa is expired, since we were not able to be in-country to renew it. So we are re-submitting all our paperwork, and as soon as it is processed, we will have our visas and be able to return!

Thailand ministry update

Singing carols in front of the church for a Christmas witness

The Lord continues to bless the church and ministry! Even in the midst of Covid, ~80 people showed up to Christmas services, where they were able to do a special presentation of the Gospel to many for the first time. There have been several professions of faith recently, and we are looking forward to getting back to meet some of these new believers and serve alongside them.

Some Specific Needs…

With our return quickly approaching, there are several new expenses that have come up in addition to what we previously mentioned in our return/setup fund, both for our family and ministry, that we would ask you to pray with us about.

• When arriving in Thailand, there is government-mandated quarantine for 14 days that we must complete in an approved facility. (~$2,500).

• Enrollment fees for the kids school in Bangkok. We were able to get an 80% discount on tuition, but the one-time enrollment is still quite expensive. (~$3k per child)

• Replace 2 aging computers (10yrs old) for the church(~$700 each), plus another unexpected computer repair ($500)

• Our vehicle just had a serious breakdown, that will be $2k

Special Thanks

We want to express special gratitude to our supporters during this time for understanding our predicament and being so faithful in your support, though undoubtedly dealing with your own crises brought on by the pandemic. You have been used to enable the ministry in Thailand to continue uninterrupted, and us to continue to live and work, though separated by many miles.

We have been able to be in touch with Thailand every week, encouraging, guiding, and supporting those that the Lord is using there. We have been able to travel, preach, report to supporting churches and even raise some new support during this period of waiting, so we thank you once again!

Yours for the Gospel in Thailand,

Philip and Lori Bassham (Claire, Grace, Emma)

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